Collection: PANS/PANDAS

PANDAS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus) and PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) are becoming increasingly prevalent in children. PANDAs can often cause a sudden onset of symptoms in a child, while PANS can occur over a period of time

Symptoms associated with these conditions include OCD, tics, aggressive behaivour, anxiety, behaivoural regression (ie baby talking), regression in school performance, sensory issues, sleep and urinary problems. Symptoms can fluctuate in a "flare" and "remission" cycle

We have a child with PANS, and although her symptoms are mild compared to many others, it is a devestatingly hard condition to deal with as it can feels as if you have lost your child when they are in a flare and experiencing these symptoms

Toxins, including mould toxins (mycotoxins) are thought to play a role in these conditions- especially PANS. Dr Jill Crista is a mould dr and researcher, and has twins who both have PANS. She has developed a range of products specifially for PANS/PANDAS following the "core 4" principles in her book "A light in the dark"

  1. Tame the lame
  2. Beat the bugs
  3. Regulate immunity
  4. Gaurd the gates