About us

Hi! We are Marcel and Julia, founders of The Mould Project.
We're a family run business based in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand.
We started The Mould Project after navigating our own journey through mould exposure, illness and recovery. It was a life changing and eye opening experience. Read below if you want to know a bit more about our story!
Our mission is to raise awareness of mould illness and the potential health impacts of water-damaged buildings in NZ, this is a huge issue that isn't well recognised here. We aim to provide guidance and resources to people who are being affected by mould illness while they navigate their own journey to wellness.

We met in Physiotherapy school at Otago University in 2001, worked as physios in various practices and eventually in 2015 we opened our own clinic in Tauranga, One Health Physio & Wellness.
Despite living what we considered a pretty healthy lifestyle, we both experienced challenges with our health. Our 2 daughters who were born during this time also had some health issues. We studied nutrition and functional medicine, looking more deeply into what could be causing these issues for our family.
Making changes to our diet and lifestyle, and doing lots of different diet and supplement protocols- (parasites, candida, GAPS, paleo, low oxylate, histamine etc) helped somewhat, but we always felt there was an underlying factor that we were missing.
In 2020, we started a new clinic in a Yoga centre. Within a week of opening Marcel had a massive increase in fatigue, brain fog and other strange symptoms. We found out that the roof had been leaking and on lifting up the carpet found it was full of mould. Even after leaving that building, Marcel kept getting symptoms. This highlighted that the house we had been in for 10 years might have some hidden mould problems- which had been impacting the health of our whole family without us knowing.
Because of the impact of mould illness, we decided to close our physio business, sell our house (after fixing the issues), move into a tiny house, homeschool the kids and focus on rebuilding the health of our family, and our life.
Now we're healthy again and have a strong passion for sharing information and helping people navigate mould illness. Mould illness and water-damaged buildings are a huge problem in New Zealand (and worldwide) and are affecting hundreds of thousands New Zealanders' health - often without them realising it.
Marcel's Qualifications
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Otago University
- Post-graduate Cerificate Western Acupuncture, AUT
- Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology in Human Nutrition, Massey University
- Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P)
- CHEK Holisitic Lifestyle Coach Level 1
Julia's Qualifications
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Otago University
- Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology in Human Nutrition, Massey University
- EFT level 1